Improvement of Digital Literacy at TSU

Tomsk State University

Improvement of digital literacy of school students and preparation of teacher teams for the digital transformation of education

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The project is aimed at international cooperation of school students, teachers and administrations of schools in the age of digital transformation, and unites the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and Russian Federation.

Students will be able to take educational courses on a digital educational platform to shape up their digital behaviour, improve digital literacy skills and develop their own digital products. The project workshop called My Digital Educational Project for school students allows to take courses and create their own digital product based on the Еxterium educational environment, and teachers can learn the basic practice of supporting the project work of children.

The result of the intramural strategic session for teachers and administrators of schools will be acquaintance with the digital educational environment called Мoodle and competent consultation with experts. At the end of the project there will be an expert session of projects for transformation of schools.

Administrators of educational institutions will get a series of consultations for development of digital transformation management projects based on the resources for cooperation on the regional, national and international levels.

Teams of teachers will be offered the Advanced Training Programme called "Digital Transformation of School: Strategy, Network Projects and New Competencies", during which the participants can select either the induction or competence-based or project-based educational path.

The project events will be held from October to December 2019. After completion of all project events there will be held the International Online Festival of Children's Digital Products and Projects. An important outcome of the project will be creation of a communication network for school students and teachers from four countries.