Rossotrudnichestvo in cooperation with the Russian technical universities and institutes developed the pre-university IT courses
The leading Russian universities – the National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET), the Don State Technical University and the Tomsk Polytechnic University, with the support from the grant programme of Rossotrudnichestvo and in cooperation with Uchebny Tsentr Obrazovanie i Kariera DPO ANO have developed online pre-university IT courses. The project is aimed at increasing the demand for IT professions on the labour market and is being implemented under the Human Resources for the Digital Economy Federal Project of the Digital Economy Programme.

The project called “Supplementary Educational Programme for Training of Russian and Foreign School Students Under Professional Educational Programmes in the Field of Digital Economy, Including In-Depth Study of Information Technologies and Programming” is intended to help school students to choose their future career and disseminate the unbiased and accurate information on the value of education in the Digital Economy sphere. The project is based on the inter-university online education platform called Universarium ( Enrolment and learning are free for all: any school student can apply for enrolment on their own.
The project comprises 3 courses, each of which includes 20 classroom hours of lectures and 20 classroom hours of webinars. The lecturers are leading IT professionals. The course called “Introduction to IT” presents the fundamentals of information technologies and the main lines of their development, and also contains lectures on technologies and professions. “Web Development. Introduction to FrontEnd Development” is aimed at web programming and study of script languages. “Web Development. Introduction to BackEnd Development» will tell about web design and how to fill websites with basic functions: how to build the website kernel, develop the platform, create the administrative area, manage databases and security of the web resource.
The pre-university courses giving an insight into the sought-after IT professions and in-depth frontend and backend knowledge to the school students are offered online through an educational platform, thus giving an opportunity to arrange remote cooperation with Russian schools abroad. Besides, the programme is being implemented with the support from technical universities and institutes which means that the students can get acquainted with the Russian educational institutions which are open for foreign citizens and offer the best practices in improving the digital literacy, including study of information technologies and programming.
Rossotrudnichestvo implements efforts aimed at promotion of geopolitical interests of Russia in the spheres of culture, education and new technologies, as well as strengthening of international ties without prejudice to the principles of operational excellence, effectiveness and sustainable development. The efforts are implemented under the Human Resources for the Digital Economy Federal Project of the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation National Programme.