KNIGOVOROT.CLUB is a distributed library system based on a digital platform to work with educational and methodological materials in the Р2Р format.

The project is aimed at efficiently exchanging educational and methodological materials, promoting digital economy skills and expertise among users in Russia and overseas.
Target audience: teachers of educational institutions, foreign students, Russian citizens living abroad
The project has a rubricator for a convenient search of the required materials:
- Big data analytics and advanced algorithms
- Portable augmented reality devices
- Cloud computing
- Mobile devices
- Geolocation technologies
- Advanced user interfaces
- Authentication
- Information security
- Robotics
- 3D printing
- Internet of Things
- Smart sensors
The vision is a unique digital identifier (KVID) assigned by the programme that allows tracing the book wherever it is. enables collecting and sending books and textbooks to those who really need them.
Anyone can share their book by bringing or putting it into a bookcase accessible for all. Such bookcases are arranged in any location both in Russia and abroad – at Russian universities and IT companies, foreign educational institutions, Russian centres of science and culture in CIS countries and far abroad, centres of the Russian world and foreign libraries.
In this way, a vast network of book circulation (bookcrossing/knigovorot) points is arranged so that it allows dealing with the issue of the lack of high-quality, contemporary books to promote digital economy skills and expertise both with our compatriots living abroad and with foreigners.
Thanks to the online support, one may also find like-minded persons anywhere in the world via their (or borrowed) book in circulation.